Cast/Notable Credits:
Dominique Otherin-Girad (Director): Omen 4 (1991)
Donald Pleasence (Dr. Loomis): Halloween, Halloween 2, Halloween 4, and Halloween 6
Danielle Harris (Jamie): Halloween 4, and Halloween, Urban Legend
Ellie Cornell (Rachel): Halloween 4
Beau Starr (Sheriff Meeker): Halloween 4
Don Shanks (Michael Myers): Urban Legends 3 (2005)
Wendy Kaplan (Tina): Blood Deep (2005)
Matthew Walker (Spitz): Child’s Play 3
You can tell they really, really rushed this sequel to the big screen. At the end of Halloween 4, Michael has fallen into a mineshaft and the cops blow up the shaft finally killing Michael and sending him to hell...Wrong!
The beginning of part 5 reenacts of the ending of part 4, with Michael

One year later (the next Halloween), Mikey returns to Haddonfield to "finish" the job on his niece Jamie. Jamie has become mute because of the traumatizing events from the last film...and killing your foster mother might have played a part of it. Jamie was placed in a children’s mental hospital and has been there since. Oh…one other thing...she’s psychically linked with Mikey. Huh? I guess they film makers didn't pay attention to the psychic disaster in Friday the 13th Part 7.
Anyway, Jamie can see what Mikey sees in her visions. Dr. Loomis is Jamie’s doctor at the hospital, and he knows that Michael still lives and knows that Jamie is somehow linked with Mikey. But Jamie is still traumatized and cannot speak. Once again everyone dismisses Loomis's claims that Mikey's coming back.
Jamie’s stepsister, Rachel, returns to the film and visits Jamie at the hospital before Mikey dispatches her five minutes later at her house. That was a waste of a bringing back a character. The rest of the film Mikey stalks Rachel’s friends (Tina, Samantha, and others that didn't die in Part 4) while tracking down Jamie.
Also some mysterious dude wearing black boots and dressed in a black trench coat and has a black hat...like in V for Vendetta... pops up in random scenes and does nothing . We never see his/her’s face, but the director hints at his presence through out the film...wait until Part 6 for more understanding about this character.
Mikey kills people at a Halloween party on a farm as Jamie runs over to the farm to save Tina. Remember, she sees what Mikey sees, so she knows where Mikey is. I wonder if she sees him take a piss? Probably not.
Eventually, Dr. Loomis decides to trap Mikey by using Jamie as bait. Dr. Loomis, the town’s police department, and Jamie decided to trap Mikey by having Jamie hang out at the Old Myer’s house in his sister’s bedroom and wait for Mikey to make an enterance. The police hide out in the bushes and shadows of the house waiting for Mikey to show up so they can nail him.
Somehow the police get “duped” into responding on a disturbance call at the children’s hospital where Jamie lives and they ALL take off leaving Dr. Loomis, Jamie and some random cop (or Red Shirt Ensign Johnson in Star Trek land) behind at the house. Guess who’s waiting for the cops to leave? Wait, doesn't Jamie see what Mikey sees? Couldn't she have warned them? Oh well, plot hole.

Mikey makes his move onto Jamie, and eventually Dr. Loomis captures Mikey with a fishing net and tranquilizer darts. Yes, it was a stellar plan of capture. Hopefully Loomis isn't expecting to go hunting any time soon.
Mikey gets captured and the police lock him up in a cell at the local police station. Mikey sits quietly in a cell that is guarded by cops. Movie over.
Well, not yet. Jamie is escorted out of the police station with a police man for a ride home when the film's mysterious black boot wearing character enters the police station as they leave.
Moments later, an explosion happens which is then followed by many, many gun shots. The cop escorting Jamie leaves her in a police car and enters into the “war zone”. A few minutes pass, and Jamie decides to enter the police station. She sees eight or ten dead cops and Mikey’s cell in now empty. Now end of film. WTF? Where the hell did that come from? That was just too f*ckin' bizarre. My head hurts. The film ends like some episode of the X-files.
Michael Myers returns, but just like Part 4, does look all that scary or creepy. Mikey is recasted and is played by Don Shanks. I don't know why Mikey seems to be going through numerous actors, but he does.
Also Mikey supports some random tattoo on his wrist now. I wonder if we'll learn the truth about the tattoo? Like the episode of Lost, that explained Jack's tattoo. That episode sucked. Maybe the next movie might explain it.
The Dr. Loomis character has officially gotten “old”. By now, you would figure that on Halloween night in Haddonfield you should probably take an extended vacation for a couple days from the town.
If you’re Dr. Loomis, just hang around the Myer’s house, and you’ll find Michael at some point. Or at least hang around the people he’s been obsessing over. Especially if you’re a know-it-all-Michael-Myers-psychologist-expert. That tactic might actually save some lives.
Danielle Harris is still pretty young, as she acts like a scared mute for the majority of the film. Her role is limited compared to the last movie, but at least it's better than her fate for the next movie.
The rest of the cast was a bunch of disposable teens or twenty somethings playing teens. There were two bumbling idiot cops that were assigned to follow Tina in the film. The first time they appeared, there was a clown music theme edited in the background to “enhance” their goofiness. What kind of bush league crap is that?! Why is it that the majority of horror movies make cops out to be idiots?
I counted somewhere around 19 deaths in the film. It was hard to tell with the police station episode. It's not as if the audience gets

Halloween 5 gave the male viewers four hot chicks (Shark Factor on 3/Reverse on 1) to look at. The film did have a sex scene that didn't feature any of the twins. BOO!The sex scene was promising, but it didn’t deliver the goods. There was even a shower scene but still...NO

One of the hot chicks, Tamara Glynn was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader during the 1991 season. Not this one though. How 'bout them Cowboys?!
T.Gun's Take:
H5: The Revenge of Mikey is pretty much a carbon copy of previous Halloweens especially Halloween 4. Every time one of those pops up on AMC or some other channel, I have problems figuring out which one it is because they're so similar.
At least until the end of the film hits…then WTF? Halloween 5 had some of the most bizarre, random sh*t going on here. Honestly, I was thinking of Creighton Duke the Bounty Hunter from Jason Goes to Hell was the mysterious man in black. That would have been awesome, unfortunately the movie and character was made four years later. But it still would have been kick *ss. Since Halloween 4 had a

What else can I add, other than this movie kind of...sucked. I'm also a little sick of children out running a maniac driving a car through the field after them. That's just unrealistic. Well...as if an unstoppable killer who keeps returning isn't realistic either. But that's beside the point, horror movies need that.
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers is a flop in my opinion. It had a few good ideas hidden between the onslaught of crap, but overall, the movie sucked. If you think that was an understatement, just wait for Part 6's review, that movie sucked even worse. To make things better...here's a lady of a Dallas Cowboy QB!

Misc. Movie Trivia:
- Halloween 5 opened on Oct. 15, 1989 and made $11.6 million at the box office ($6.3 opening weekend)
- Jamie was originally stabbed in the leg during the laundry chute scene but that was changed due to MPAA ratings. It was deemed "too disturbing".

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