Cast/Notable Credits
Chris Graham (Director):
John Rhys-Davies (The Greek): Lord of the Rings Triology (Gimli), Sabertooth 2002, Sliders T.V. series, Indiana Jones 1 (1981) & 3 (1989), Waxwork
Amber Sainsbury (Kathy): 30 Days of Night
Craig Hall (Chris): 30 Days of Night, King Kong (2005)
Lawrence Makoare (Snake): Lord of the Rings 1 & 3 (witchking)
Six vacationing yuppies out on a boat cruise in New Zealand come

They rescue him and set sail back to solid land. While aboard Gimli, stabs one of the male passengers in the chest with a special dagger. Hopefully it’s not the same one the "Duke" carries in Jason Goes to Hell.
During the ensuing fight with the other passengers, Gimli is tossed overboard. They check their friend to find no wound what so ever. Little did the others know that when Gimli stabbed their friend…ready for this…he “body swapped” with him. Rest of movie involves the spirit of Gimli stabbing people and taking over their bodies...kind of sounds like Jason Goes to Hell...hmm.
Gimli, son of Gloin, stabbing people with a special dagger to body

Ferryman had Gimli plus other no names. Basically they were all actors and actresses from down under. Bottom line: there was nothing special going on in the film. One of the chicks is extremely annoying and whiny...not really helping it's case.
The Ferryman featured six deaths and a dead dog. I had to wait for a while to count all them up because of the body jumping. On a sour note, the film had a lot of over the top gore in it, if you know me, it's not a real positive aspect in my book.
Three hot chicks, and one set of boobies. Be patient they show up. Hint: wait for the last twenty seconds. I almost scored negative points here, but the film saved itself at the last minute. On a unique note: we get to see what happens when a man jumps into a female body and decides to give the fingers a “test run” down under. You got to ask yourself honestly, "Wouldn't you do the same?"
T.Gun's Take:
The Ferryman is merely a body-jumping evil-spirited dwarf (Gimli) trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean. He can "jump" from body to body until he finds his ideal match. Wow. This film screams of Oscars. Let them flow in on award night. They might need a wheel barrow to haul them away.
The Ferryman is no more than a subpar Sci-Fi channel movie...and I'll just leave it at that. I thought that it was an "okay" attempt at a horror movie.
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film was released on DVD on March 17, 2008
-A New Zealand based production

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