Bradford May (Director): Darkman 2 (1994), Darkman 3 (1996)
Ashley Jones (Susan): Old School (2003)
Jennifer Lyons (Samantha): Dorm Daze 1 (2003) & 2 (2006), Killer Pad, Jack Frost 2
Charlie O’Connell (David): Sliders T.V. series
Elena Lyons (Fawn): Club Dread (2004)
Trailer link
Teenagers show up to a rave party out in the boon docks, but little do


Annoying, babbling, self-centered hot chicks along with the brother of Jerry O’Connell. Poor acting, but at least the chicks look trampy enough.

Pictured from left to right: Ashley Jones, Jennifer Lyons, Elena Lyons
Multiple deaths going both ways (4 vs. 6). The movie showed one of the girls getting a small cut, but in the next photo of her lying dead on the table. To top it off, there was no blood. The rest of special effects were okay. There was an explosion at the end, but it was obvious a low budget movie. I think it was originally made as a Sci-Fi movie because I saw it there first years ago.

T.Gun's Take:
Where should I start? SDW’s…moving on...
What Devil's Prey lacked in story line, and acting they made up for in TNA and deaths. So if you’re into drugs, sex, boobies, bondage and devil worshipping this may be the movie for you. If not, it's still a movie to kill an hour or two with. You might be asking yourself afterwards, "Where did that hour or two go?" But it's not too painful.
A personal favorite bad movie star, Jennifer Lyons, also stars in another one of my personal favorites, Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Killer Mutant Snowman. Director Bradford May is the man who directed Darkman 2 & 3. So feel free to blame him for whatever you want. I do.
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on September 18, 2001 and went straight to DVD

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