Monday, October 13, 2008

Review #89: Species (1995)

Cast/Notable Credits:
Roger Donaldson (Director): Cocktail (1988), Dante's Peak (1997), Thirteen Days (2000), The Recruit (2003), The Bank Job (2008)

Natasha Henstridge (Sil): Species 2 (1998) & 3 (2004), Ghost of Mars (2001)

Michael Madsen (Preston): Species 2, Kill Bill 1 & 2 (2004), Sin City (2005), BloodRayne (2005)

Marg Helgenberger (Laura): Species 2, Bad Boys (1995), C.S.I. T.V. series

Ben Kingsley (Xavier Fitch): Gandhi (1982), Schindler's List (1993), BloodRayne

Alfred Molina (Stephen): Maverick (1994), Boogie Nights (1997), Identity (2003), Spiderman 2 (2004), The Da Vinci Code (2005)

Forest Whitaker (Dan): Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), Platoon (1986), Good Morning, Vietnam (1987), Phenomenon (1995), Battlefield Earth (2000), Panic Room (2002), Phone Booth (2002)

Michelle Williams (Young Sil): H2O (picture right)



An alien species sends it's DNA to Earth in 1993 using a radio communication and we decide to use it and develop an alien using a female embryo. The experiment becomes too risky as the female host, Sil, grows rapidly and has violent nightmares leading to the government panicking and pulling the plug on the experiment. The government agency lead by Xavier, decides to terminate a teenage Sil by nerve gassing her in her experiment bubble. Sil breaks out of the bubble and escapes the research compound and using her extraordinary abilities, she hops on a train heading to L.A.

Xavier assembles a team of scientific experts, and an assassin to track down Sil. They await the train at the depot in L.A. hoping to end the conflict quickly. Little do they know, Sil has had a little growth spurt on the train and has changed from a little teenage girl to a hot, sexually active, twenty something year old alien. The new Sil easily gets by the government agents and is on the loose in L.A. seeking a male counterpart for reproduction. It's up to the team to track down Sil before she reproduces and repopulates the Earth with a new alien species.

Species is one of my favorite alien monster movies of all time. It's clever little adventure for the 90's. Natasha Henstridge (Sil) is freakin' hot and perfect for the role. On the other hand, the role of Sil doesn't require much except for being hot, but that's beside the point. Natasha and Michael Madsen (Preston...the bounty hunter) are clearly the best characters in the movie. Natasha for being the previously mentioned hot chick, and Michael for being a "Joe cool" assassin. Madsen has always had that acting ability to play the smooth, deadly hit man.

The supporting cast includes Gandhi, Doc Ock, the chick from CSI and Forest Whitaker. Forest plays a psychic empath on Xavier's team who can feel what people and Sil are thinking. Whitaker plays a likable character who isn't afraid to voice his opinion and tell everyone what's right. Marg (CSI chick...pictured left) and Alfred (Doc Ock) portray the scientific members of the team. Marg also becomes Madsen's love interest in the film and offers not much more than that. Alfred plays the hard for love geeky guy. And Gandhi (Kingsley) is the head government official with his own agenda.

The best line in the flick is after Xavier explains to the group that the embryo's were mixed with a female embryo to make "them more docile and controllable". Preston remarks, "More docile and controllable, huh? I guess you guys don't get out much" and uses the "more docile and controllable" reference through out the film.

The pace of the movie is great, there aren't too many slow spots in the movie. It keeps a fun and enjoyable pace that won't put the audience to sleep. The film also delivers a few "jump" sequences to catch the audience off guard.

The special effects were pretty good for a mid 90's/pre-CGI flick. There were a couple good brutal kills in the film, the ladies bathroom one being the best. The body count hovers around the early teens, just enough to make it worth while.

To cement it's greatness is the TNA portion of the flick. Natasha (pictured right) happily bears her twins several times in the movie. Makes me happy! Also on tap is a couple of shower scenes, hot tub scene, little bondage scene and a couple of sex acts. The film could have improved on multiple hot chicks showing off their twins, but I guess it delivered well enough for me.

Overall, Species is a fun popcorn movie to watch. It brings the classic monster movie into the 90's, mixes it with a little sexual erotica and BOOM! you have a good flick. It's far from a masterpiece, but that's all right with me. Species is just enjoyable enough to kill a ninety minute block of my life. Also the success of the film has spawned two sequels and a third stand alone movie. Once again...since I love my readers (and hopefully they love me!)...a picture of the beautiful Natasha.

Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on July 7, 1995 and made $60 million at the Box Office
-The creature was designed by H.R. Giger who also created the creatures in Aliens franchise

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