Friday, October 3, 2008

Review #79: The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

Cast/Notable Credits:
Ryuhei Kitamura (Director)

Bradley Cooper (Leon): Wedding Crashers (2005), The Rocker (2008), Alias T.V. series

Leslie Bibb (Maya): Talladega Nights (2006), Iron Man (2008)

Vinnie Jones (Mahogany): X-men 3 (2006), Garfield 2 (2006) 15 year English soccer player (pictured right)

Brooke Shields (Susan Hoff): Alice, Sweet Alice (1976), Blue Lagoon (1980)


A photographer, Leon, goes out one night to take interesting photographs. He secretly follows three hoodlums into the subway system to take their pictures. Leon ends up saving a woman (model Erika Sakaki) who is attacked by the gang. She gives him as kiss for saving her life, and then catches the train. Erika goes missing by the next day. Leon later finds clues in the photos he has taken that leads him to discover that a mysterious man from that night may be a serial killer, The Subway Butcher.

After further research, Leon learns that there have been people going missing in the subway for at least a hundred years. Leon shows his photos to the police and they seem more interested in him than they believe Leon's tale. Leon's involvement quickly turns into a dark obsession in finding the man and solving this crime.

During his obsession, he alienates himself from his girlfriend, Maya. Maya becomes upset his quest, and one day after Leon returns home severely wound and acting very unusual, she begins her own investigation. Maya and one of their friends, Jurgis, investigate the man who may be the butcher using the photographs Leon has been taking. After breaking and entering the mysterious man's apartment, Jurgis ends up captured when the man returns.

Maya heads straight for the police after the encounter, but the police do not believe Maya's story. The lead detective on the case shows up at Maya's work and give her information that Jurgis will be on the 2 a.m. train for 14th St. Maya heads down on her own to save Jurgis. Leon, unaware of Maya's involvement, prepares himself to kill the butcher and end the horror. Leon, Maya and the butcher end up meeting each other on that train and the climactic battle ensues.

The top three characters, Leon, Maya and Mahogany all played great roles in the film. Not bad for a former soccer guy. Or as the rest of the world puts it, former footballer. All Leslie Bibb needed to do was look and act hot. Pictured below. Mission accomplished. Almost, I mean almost got to see a little peek at her peaks. Such a tease!

TMMT (T squared with a M squared sandwhich) is one of those independant films that never got released in mass theathres, and ended up straight to video. Luckily for me, it was given a premier on Demand for free! Courtesy of FearNet. I saw trailers for it on-line, but didn't really show any desire or anticipation for the film. I figured it would have been "one of those movies to rent when I'm bored".

I have to admit, I actually liked it. At least 4/5 of it. I thought the end got a little too weird or Mimic-ish. I probably would have given it a higher grade, but the ending was really sour for me. It went down a road, I did not think it needed to. It's based off a Clive Barker short story. I don't know if his original ending went down that road or not.

The kills in the film were nice and brutal. That soccer dude can sure swing a mean ole' hook and hammer. Despite American beliefs, he did not fall down, cry and grab an imaginary injured foot. He stayed tough. No flopping in this one. At least "live body" flopping.

On a bizarre random side note, the cutie at the begining, Erika Sakai, is an actress named Nora. Yep. Nora. I guess it's like Prince. Just Nora. Oh well, she looked hot (pictured right). BHA! I'm not complaining if that's what she has to offer the world.
Like I've mentioned before, the ending really let the air out of the bag for me. It was a similar experience I had at the end of Jeepers Creepers. A lot of cool sh*t capped by a crappy ending like that. Not a big fan of that movie. I wasn't as devistated about this ending. Probably because I had little expectation with this one. Remember that young, good looking girl from that Blue Lagoon movie? There she is pictured left. Still got it. Got Whipped Cream?

Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened in limited release and went straight to DVD
-Based on a Clive Barker short story
-Ted Raimi makes a cameo appearance
-UFC champ, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson makes a cameo

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