Cast/Notable Credits:
Tom McLoughlin (Director): Date with an Angel (1987)
Thom Matthews(Tommy): Kick Boxer 4 (1994), Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Jennifer Cooke (Megan): V: The mini series
Darcy DeMoss (Nikki): Hardbodies (1984), Vice Academy 3 (1991), Erotic Confessions T.V.
Tony Goldwyn (Darren): Ghost (1990), Kiss the Girls (1997), Abandon (2002), The Last Samurai (2003)
Ron Palillo (Allen): Welcome Back Carter T.V. series (Horshack)
Alan Blumenfeld (Larry): WarGames (1983), Problem Child 2 (1991), The Ring, Dickie Roberts (2003), and Heroes T.V. series (Parkman's Dad)
Matthew Fasion (Stan): Puppet Master 3 (1991), Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Ann Ryerson (Katie): Caddyshack (1980), Minority Report (2002), Curb Your Enthusiasm (Nan Funkhouser)...for Shark
Wallace Merck (Burt): Children of the Corn 2 (1993), Robo Cop 2 (1990), King Kong Lives (1986)
Justin Nowell (Billy): Sleepaway Camp 2 (1988)
Part 6 marks the return of Jason back to the big screen. After the piece of sh*t labeled Part 5, the series needed this. And for the third straight movie, the Tommy Jarvis character pops up. Jason has a true enemy now. Tommy Jarvis, the Van Helsing of Jason. It's a stretch.
Haunted by his past demons, Tommy decides to pay a visit to Jason’s grave along with a friend. Tommy's plan is to dig up the body out of the grave and cremate the body himself. Hopefully it will provide closure and bring peace to his life once and for all. Or something like that.
Tommy and his friend sneaks into the cemetery late one night and digs up the Jason grave as the weather turns into a violent thunderstorm. If I was present, I would definitely take notice to the weather. Once the weather turned to sh*t, I would be like, "Alright, let's get the hell out of here. It's a sign from God." But they didn't.Tommy finally hits the coffin and opens it. He sees a rotting corpse of Jason laying peacefully in his grave. Out of anger, Tommy runs a metal spear through the body of Jason and climbs out to get the gasoline. As Tommy retrieves the gas, a lightning bolt crashes down on the metal spear striking life into the monster bringing him back to life. Sounds a lot like Frankenstein doesn’t it? Hmm.
Jason comes to life...again...and goes after Tommy. His friend tries to interfere with Jason and ends up dead in Jason's coffin. Tommy narrowly escapes as Jason kills his buddy. Tommy runs to the police with his story, and Jason starts his journey home. Jason finds his way back to the new Forest Green (a.k.a. Camp Crystal Lake). I guess tourism was down so they had to rename the joint. A new set of counselors are at Forest Green teaching young kids the ways of the outdoors as Jason returns home.
Meanwhile, the police don't believe Tommy's story of Jason coming back to life, and they escort him out of town. And Jason starts his new killing spree, taking out the new camp counselors. Tommy sneaks back to Forest Green and confronts Jason one last time. And he's got a plan now. In order to kill Jason, he must send him back to the bottom of the lake. Somehow I don't think that's going to work...at least permanently.
Jason is back from the dead and looking cool. Obviously after being buried for some time, he's come back as a rotting corpse monster, and has lost all realistic human qualities. Yet another movie and another Jason actor. This time C.J. Graham has the pleasure of putting the mask on. On his way back to home, Jason kills some corporate business men playing paint ball in the woods. He takes the clothing of one of them and adds an utility belt to his waist to complement his outfit.
Part 6 marks the return of Tommy Jarvis, and yet we have another re casted member. He's not as bad as the douche bag they picked in Part 5. The guy who said 24 words outside of laughing and yelling.
It was actor Tony Goldwyn’s first gig. Whose that? That’s the guy from Ghost. Yeah that crappy Demi Moore/Patrick Swayze/Whoopie Goldberg movie. He played the "evil buddy" who betrayed Patrick. I can’t believe I just referenced that movie. And in some detail. To wipe some of that filth out of my mind, I have to mention that he was also in Kiss the Girls. Actually one of my favorites movies. He didn't do such a bad job there.
Megan was the lead female, and it seemed for once, that a female didn't act as the heroine in the series. She was more of a secondary hero than the star. There were very few hot chicks (Shark Factor) in the film. Another actor of note was Horshack from the Welcome Back Carter T.V. show made an appearance.
Matthew Faison co-starred in the movie. He also crossed legendary lines and later appeared in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. Now he's got to try and get a gig on the Halloween front, and then he will have the trifecta.
Eighteen kills. Yes…eighteen. The most kills for a “real” Friday movie. I’m guessing, but that count maybe broken somewhere down the road. Hmm…foreshadowing.
My favorite death: RV kill. * Highlight to Read * The best kill is the chick in the RV. At the camp, one of the counselors, Cort, is borrowing his family's RV. Cort's in the back ready to get in on with his girlfriend, Nikki. The lights go out and Cort checks the power hook up. He sees that it's shredded and decides it's time to bolt and leave town. Cort starts up the RV and drives off.
Cort's driving the RV fast and recklessly down the road with the music on the radio blaring. Nikki is struggling to stay on her feet in the back. She walks past the mini bathroom and Jason snags her and pulls her inside the bathroom. She struggles, and Jason kills her by driving her face, smashing it into the side wall of the RV. Her face makes an implant on the outside lining. * It was a pretty cool kill.
The remainder of the kills were pretty realistic in nature. It seemed that the film took liberty in making a few pretty gory. There was a fire and explosion section in this movie. And no...Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay weren’t even involved! But they would be proud.
What? Negative points! There were three hot chicks (Shark Factor), one sex act and no nudity. I repeat...No nudity! How is this possible? Com’ on, it’s a Friday movie!!! Boo! Hiss! It sucks, especially when one of the chicks (pictured right) was in Hardbodies and goes on to do Erotic Confessions. What the hell? Did they not ask if she would mind doing a little twin dance for the viewers?
T.Gun's Take:
Honestly I wonder why I like this film so much. I guess it's because it's surround by other crappier Fridays. So it makes this one look stellar. It's a real generic formula for horror movies, which seems to bode well for this film. Part 6 makes the plot plain and simple, young adults go to Camp Blood...meet Jason...die...and one or two live.
Jason Lives is one of the funnier Friday films. Obviously they weren't taking themselves seriously anymore at this point. I give it credit, it brought Jason back on the map, but it also opened the door for the franchise to go down some lesser more idiotic paths. Which also leads to the fans, media and the rest of the world not taking this franchise seriously anymore. The Jason movies just became more funnier than scary after this film. Part 5 doesn't even count in my book.
I liked the story line continuity with the Tommy vs. Jason battle. If I could go back in time and re-do it, I would try to have Corey Feldman do all three films. But that's in a perfect world.The paint ball sequence was years ahead of it’s time. Little did we know that would be a huge hobby down the road. It also made a great way to add on to the body count.
The RV sequence was pretty cool also. It was another fresh new idea that this movie brought to the franchise. Part 6 seemed to have some good new ideas considering it was the sixth installment.
It was down right a fun movie to watch. There were a lot of good and new ideas brought to the table, and for once, someone actually took a shot at Jason. I mean with a gun. I was always under the impression that you could kill Jason by shooting him. I was young and dumb, and eventually wrong.
After reading trivia on the movie, I guess the original script called for a Jason’s father character. But somehow it was left out of filming but continued to be in the movie’s novelization. I’ve personally thought the series could milk a movie off that story line…wait...what the hell did I just type? Novelization? There’s a novelization of the movie! Who the fuck would write or read that? I thought I was the only sick bastard who could read and write that enjoys this stuff. Well if you’ve been reading my reviews, you know I can’t write, but anyways…novelization? What the hell?
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on August 1, 1986 and made $18.9 million at the Box Office ($6.7 million opening weekend)
-Filmed at Camp Daniel Morgan in Covington, Georgia
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