Cast/Notable Credits:

Ashley Judd (Agnes): Twisted (2004), High Crimes (2002), Kiss the Girls (1997), Double Jeopardy (1999), Eye of the Beholder (1999)
Michael Shannon (Peter): Let's Go To Prison (2006), Bad Boys 2 (2003), Kangaroo Jack (2003), 8 Mile (2002)
Harry Connick Jr. (Jerry): Hope Floats (1998), Will & Grace T.V. series
Lynn Collins (R.C.): 50 First Dates (2004), 13 Going On 30 (2004)

The “bug” is something the government implanted into him which conveniently got activated after sex with Ashley Judd. Amazing what sex will do to a man. Now that they did the hibbie-di jibbie-di, he has now become the drone (to what...I have no idea) and Ashley holds the "queen bug" inside her.
Quick recap: Stranger hooks up with Ashley Judd. They have sex. After sex, he has some "drone in him" and she carries the "queen bug" and everyone is out to get them. Still have no idea what the f*ck the movie is about…neither do I.
Can I have a film with no villain and still grade for one? Yeah, I guess. The transient man who falls in love with

Bug featured a limited cast, but it presented two hot chicks (Ashley Judd being one of them). Harry Connick Jr. plays a small part in the film as an abusive ex-husband. All the characters had good performances in the film crazy or not.
There were only three deaths in the film, and not a whole lot of special effects. But to be fair, Bug is more of a psychological thriller, and I was surprised to see that many people go by the wayside.
God Bless Ashley and her little Judd’s.(Pictured below..just Ashley...well you can see where the Judds reside) Also God bless her willingness to show them multiple times. We didn’t get full frontal, but a lot of glimpses of one little Judd or the other Judd and some close-ups of them. Who cares if they may or may not be from a stunt double!

T.Gun's Take:
Okay, Bug si a slow one. The movie pace was very slow and dense. I was drifting to sleep a couple of times. But I stayed with it and Bug has a creative storyline and is a great idea if you can understand what's going on. A lot of the ideas and conspiracies reminded me of work when I work in the “crazy pod”.
I was a little disappointed with Bug because I kept waiting for alien bugs to take over the movie, but that never happened. Who knew a movie named “Bug” could have a second meaning? It was metaphoric or some sh*t like that. It still probably would have been cooler if alien bugs did pop out of their bodies and turn the flick into a pod-people movie. Any way, I gave booby…mean bonus points for Ashley and her little Judd’s.
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on May 25, 2007 (Limited) and made $7 million at the Box Office ($4 million opening weekend)
-Jodie Foster was considered for the role of Agnes

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