Cast/Notable Credits:
Steve Miner (Director): Friday the 13th Part 2
Dana Kimmell (Chris): Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)
Kevin O'Brien (Loco): Warlock (1989)
Part 3 picks up immediately after Part 2. As police bag up the bodies at
the camp, Jason slips out the back door and finds himself further down the road from the lake. A group of twenty somethings are staying at Higgins Haven, one of their friends farm house cabin properties for the weekend. Jason decides to hide in the estate's barn waiting for an opportunity to strike.
In typical Friday fashion, victims slowly wander off one by one and Jason takes them out one by one, and before anyone realizes it, it's usually last chick standing vs. Jason. Surprise. It is. Part 3 does bring some new elements to the film, like it's in 3-D! Also introduces a new piece to Jason's wardrobe, a hockey mask.
My favorite horror movie icon, Jason Voohrees, gets an upgrade to his mystique, The Hockey Mask. It's the most genius thing that anyone has thought of in the horror industry. The mask becomes the symbol of the character and franchise. Even people who have never watched a single minute of any of the films know what it stands for and who it belongs to.
The film picks up right after Part 2, but some how Jason seems to
have grown up a little bit. A growth spurt, I guess. Long gone is his stringy, patchy long reddish hair. Enter a bald, creepy ex-convict look to him. There was an obvious actor recast for the Jason role. Stuntman, Richard Booker, steps into Jason's shoes. At this point, Jason still has a realistic human touch to him even though he looks different than the previous film. It's like he aged 13 years in between films. He's more of a man than the retarded teenager running around in Part 2. Oh, have I mentioned that the infamous Hockey Mask is brought into the series?
If you want to know how he obtains it then highlight the section below. * Highlight to Read * One of the cast members, Shelly, is a prankster. He brings a chest full of props for his practical jokes he plays on his friends. One of his costumes includes a spear gun and...the mask. One of the females, Vera, who Shelly has a crush on is out in the dark hanging out by the dock. Shelly sneaks up on her in full costume to scare her.
It works, but Vera gets pissed at Shelly and chews him out for being an immature dork. Feeling shame, Shelly wonders off on his own. He sees someone going into the barn and goes to investigate. Inside the barn Shelly comes to his end and the hands of Jason. His actual death is filmed off screen, but he later makes his way back to the cabin and dies because his throat was sliced open. * Anyway, Jason takes the mask and the rest is history.
The cast is nothing special. They were all really disposable dudes, hippies, and bikers. The lead female was Chris, who they wrote a back story of her having an encounter in the woods years earlier with Jason. She got mad at her parents and stormed off into the woods and was ambushed by Jason, and had a narrow escape. I guess she came back to the place to face her demons. Be careful what you wish for!
A dorky red-headed dude named Shelly was responsible for bringing the famous mask to the film. One of my favorite characters ended up being the leader of the biker gang, Ali. He kind of reminded me of Louis Gossett Jr.
There were twelve deaths in the film, one shy of the magic number. Obviously with the film being presented in 3-D, some of the kills were catered for it. Looking back at time and watching the film now, some of them look down right goofy. But that's 3-D. Don't you remember Jaws 3-D? Yeah, kind of cheesy like that. Not as bad as the cardboard shark slowly moving towards you at the end, but there's a definite look to the kills. Not all deaths were presented in the 3-D fashion, giving some respect to the film. look to the film.
Favorite death: The handstand splits. * Highlight to Read * Andy was screwing around up stairs while his girlfriend was taking a shower. He was doing a handstand and walking around on his hands when he saw a pair of feet and looked up at the dreaded hockey mask. Jason came down with his machete slicing him from the bottom to the top. Most of the kill was cut due to MPAA ratings. The actual death showed Jason cutting off his right leg, and then having his stomach ripped apart. * I can't wait for the uncut special edition of that. If Paramount ever releases it.
We get a new feature for the Friday franchise, a shower scene. Hell Yeah! Other than that we get one set of twins, one sex act and three hot chicks (Shark Factor). They still haven’t figured out the sex sells thing yet but I have a feeling that things are about to change.
T.Gun's Take:
I'm seeing a pattern here. The movies are starting to run the same, Jason slaughters young adults at Crystal Lake. It's not like they could pound out a dozen of these films based on this same formula.
The setting of the film is slightly different. It's removed from the campgrounds off the lake and takes place at a house and a barn which is close to the lake. The best element in this setting is the barn. I really liked the barn element. For one, it gave Jason a placed to hide and stalk. Secondly, for some reason, barns create a creepy atmosphere. They're typically dark and dusty with many possibilities of places to hide.
The film implemented some funky seventy’s disco music to it's score. That music was mainly attached to the credits, but it kept classic eerie score during movie. Part 3 also had a nice dark atmosphere through out the film using the barn sequence and the fun stuff taking place at night. The end wasn't a terrible rainy thunderstorm as the franchise is accustomed to, but it did employ some parts of rain to complement more of a violent windy atmosphere.
This movie rates no different than many of it's sequels to come. Same formula implemented, but I give some serious props for the introduction of the hockey mask into the film. As for the 3-D crap, it was better than Jaws 3-D at least. It's a noble try for a horror movie, but if you don't watch it in 3-D, it looks a little hokey.
The movie was actually supposed to be the end of Jason, unlike The Final Chapter and Jason Goes to Hell. But it did well at the box office, and we all know what that means...sequel! So Part 4 was going to be the new of the franchise. So they thought. Part 3 was going to end it, therefore, the Jason character would have been limited to just being a human, but now he starts to be the unrealistic unstoppable killing machine.
Bookie reluctantly saw this movie by choice. How's that possible? The power of a rainy day. A few of us were together and bored on a cold rainy day and we threatened him into watching one of the Harry Potter movies. He hated that franchise more than the Friday films. So I gave him a choice, thinking he would choose Potter. I was wrong. He chose this one.
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on August 13, 1982 and made $33.3 million at the Box Office ($9.4 million opening weekend)
-Actually one of five Fridays to open on Friday the 13th
-Films events take place on Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th

Steve Miner (Director): Friday the 13th Part 2
Dana Kimmell (Chris): Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)
Kevin O'Brien (Loco): Warlock (1989)
Part 3 picks up immediately after Part 2. As police bag up the bodies at

In typical Friday fashion, victims slowly wander off one by one and Jason takes them out one by one, and before anyone realizes it, it's usually last chick standing vs. Jason. Surprise. It is. Part 3 does bring some new elements to the film, like it's in 3-D! Also introduces a new piece to Jason's wardrobe, a hockey mask.
My favorite horror movie icon, Jason Voohrees, gets an upgrade to his mystique, The Hockey Mask. It's the most genius thing that anyone has thought of in the horror industry. The mask becomes the symbol of the character and franchise. Even people who have never watched a single minute of any of the films know what it stands for and who it belongs to.
The film picks up right after Part 2, but some how Jason seems to

If you want to know how he obtains it then highlight the section below. * Highlight to Read * One of the cast members, Shelly, is a prankster. He brings a chest full of props for his practical jokes he plays on his friends. One of his costumes includes a spear gun and...the mask. One of the females, Vera, who Shelly has a crush on is out in the dark hanging out by the dock. Shelly sneaks up on her in full costume to scare her.
It works, but Vera gets pissed at Shelly and chews him out for being an immature dork. Feeling shame, Shelly wonders off on his own. He sees someone going into the barn and goes to investigate. Inside the barn Shelly comes to his end and the hands of Jason. His actual death is filmed off screen, but he later makes his way back to the cabin and dies because his throat was sliced open. * Anyway, Jason takes the mask and the rest is history.
The cast is nothing special. They were all really disposable dudes, hippies, and bikers. The lead female was Chris, who they wrote a back story of her having an encounter in the woods years earlier with Jason. She got mad at her parents and stormed off into the woods and was ambushed by Jason, and had a narrow escape. I guess she came back to the place to face her demons. Be careful what you wish for!

There were twelve deaths in the film, one shy of the magic number. Obviously with the film being presented in 3-D, some of the kills were catered for it. Looking back at time and watching the film now, some of them look down right goofy. But that's 3-D. Don't you remember Jaws 3-D? Yeah, kind of cheesy like that. Not as bad as the cardboard shark slowly moving towards you at the end, but there's a definite look to the kills. Not all deaths were presented in the 3-D fashion, giving some respect to the film. look to the film.
Favorite death: The handstand splits. * Highlight to Read * Andy was screwing around up stairs while his girlfriend was taking a shower. He was doing a handstand and walking around on his hands when he saw a pair of feet and looked up at the dreaded hockey mask. Jason came down with his machete slicing him from the bottom to the top. Most of the kill was cut due to MPAA ratings. The actual death showed Jason cutting off his right leg, and then having his stomach ripped apart. * I can't wait for the uncut special edition of that. If Paramount ever releases it.

T.Gun's Take:
I'm seeing a pattern here. The movies are starting to run the same, Jason slaughters young adults at Crystal Lake. It's not like they could pound out a dozen of these films based on this same formula.
The setting of the film is slightly different. It's removed from the campgrounds off the lake and takes place at a house and a barn which is close to the lake. The best element in this setting is the barn. I really liked the barn element. For one, it gave Jason a placed to hide and stalk. Secondly, for some reason, barns create a creepy atmosphere. They're typically dark and dusty with many possibilities of places to hide.
The film implemented some funky seventy’s disco music to it's score. That music was mainly attached to the credits, but it kept classic eerie score during movie. Part 3 also had a nice dark atmosphere through out the film using the barn sequence and the fun stuff taking place at night. The end wasn't a terrible rainy thunderstorm as the franchise is accustomed to, but it did employ some parts of rain to complement more of a violent windy atmosphere.

The movie was actually supposed to be the end of Jason, unlike The Final Chapter and Jason Goes to Hell. But it did well at the box office, and we all know what that means...sequel! So Part 4 was going to be the new of the franchise. So they thought. Part 3 was going to end it, therefore, the Jason character would have been limited to just being a human, but now he starts to be the unrealistic unstoppable killing machine.
Bookie reluctantly saw this movie by choice. How's that possible? The power of a rainy day. A few of us were together and bored on a cold rainy day and we threatened him into watching one of the Harry Potter movies. He hated that franchise more than the Friday films. So I gave him a choice, thinking he would choose Potter. I was wrong. He chose this one.
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on August 13, 1982 and made $33.3 million at the Box Office ($9.4 million opening weekend)
-Actually one of five Fridays to open on Friday the 13th
-Films events take place on Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th

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