Cast/Notable Credits:
Jack Sholder (Director):Wishmaster 2 (1999)
Robert Englund (Freddy):
Mark Patton (Jesse): Nothing...worth wild
Kim Myers (Lisa): Hellraiser 4 (1996)
Robert Rusler (Ron Grady): Weird Science (1985)
Clu Gulager (Ken Walsh): Return of the Living Dead (1985), Feast (2005)
Christie Clark (Angela Walsh): Children of the Corn 2 (1993), Days of Our Lives T.V. series
Marshall Bell (Coach Schneider): Stand by Me (1986), Twins (1988), Dick Tracy (1990), Total Recall (1990), Air America (1990), The Puppet Masters (1994), Starship Troopers (1997), Room 6 (2006), Tales from the Crypt T.V. series
That's how they follow up the first film? Okay, usually in sequels to successful horror films there are some simple rules to go by:
1. See more of the villain
2. Higher body count (or bloodier/creative deaths)
3. More nudity, sex, hot chicks, etc.
4. Set up the next film just in case this one bombs
Let’s run these rules by what actually happened in Nightmare 2.
Rule 1 – see more of the villain…Freddy’s in 13 minutes of the film…nope.
Rule 2 – higher body count or bloodier/deaths…4 deaths, two of them were random cannon fodder of dudes I didn’t know their names…0 for 2.
Rule 3 – more nudity, sex, hot chicks…same amount of hot chicks (even if one was like 8, but she’s hot now), no sex acts and still no nudity…0 for 3.
Rule 4 – set up the next film just in case of disaster…nope…0 for 4 with four strikeouts.
How can you screw that up? It’s not rocket science. Even a full frontal nudity shot would have made a difference. Even the crappiest of sequels at least capitalize on one or two of the rules.
Any ways back to the plot…five years after the first movie, a new family (the Walsh’s) move into Nancy Thompson’s house, 1428 Elm St. (They finally reference Elm Street in the movie...11 minutes and thirty seconds in).
The teenage boy (Jesse) is experiencing nightmares about Freddy, but this time instead of trying to kill him, Freddy is recruiting him. Yep, that’s right, Freddy is acting like a Marine recruiter hunting for seniors at a high school to join core. Hooh rah.
Freddy’s powers are weak, and he needs to use Jesse as his tool for killing. Sounds a lot like Freddy vs. Jason. Hmm. Freddy tries to possess Jesse so he can come into the real world to kill his victims. The film mixes Freddy’s “dream world” powers and brings them into the “real world” to help Jesse kill.
After watching twenty or thirty minutes of the film, the movie became repetitious. Jesse has bad dream…wakes up…next scene is family breakfast arguing with dad…followed by driving Lisa to school in his car discussing the dreams with her…being in P.E. class and pissing off P.E. teacher which leads to physical forms of punishment…and back to bad dreams again.
Repeat cycle…bad dreams…breakfast…car ride…P.E.class…bad dreams. Repeat. Rinse. Lather. I would have been happier if they threw in a death every once and while, but there was only one death in the film’s first sixty minutes.
Towards the end, Lisa decides to throw a “pool party” for kids at school. My first thought was…cool…naked chicks, boobies, and sex. And my second thought was…a lot of deaths. Man, I was wrong…in both cases.
Jesse’s hanging at the party all depressed and strung out. Lisa comes over to warm him up a little bit and the next thing you know, he starts mackin’ with Lisa in the cabana and…Quiz time!
What is a cabana?
A. A bench swing set
B. a shed
C. A room used to change clothes in before proceeding to the swimming pool
D. A little town in Havana
The answer is…C. Yeah, I had no idea what it was until they mentioned it in the film. Then again, I’m not rich enough to have a swimming pool and a small changing room to go with it. F*ckin’ rich people.
Back to the story...Jesse’s going down on Lisa’s chest with his tongue (and the film still manages to show no boobies) and his tongue turns into Freddy’s green slimy tongue. Jesse freaks out and takes off leaving Lisa frustrated and confused. I would be too if I was her.
So Jesse sneaks into his friend’s (Grady) room and wakes him up. They make a deal not to let Jesse fall asleep. As if that deal never gets broken in these movies.
Well Jesse doses off and the “Freddy” in him takes over and kills Grady. Jesse flees back to the party to seek the help of Lisa. In her living room Freddy completes his possession of Jesse and Freddy is unleashed into the real world. All of the doors lock around the house and backyard trapping every one in place. Slaughter time! Right? No.
Freddy chases Lisa around the house and then she stabs him and he bails into the backyard where all the kids are by the pool. Freddy kills two token kids and then bursts into flames as he walks into a wall and disappears. Huh?
Lisa decides to “save” Jesse and drives to the power plant where Freddy was burnt alive. To sum it up, Lisa kisses Freddy and the “love” between her and Jesse defeats Freddy. Jesse pops out of Freddy’s body, and Jesse and Lisa hug and kiss. End of movie. WTF? Love beats Freddy. Now what kind of shit is that?
Dream Sequence Time:
15 minutes 8 seconds (Series total: 42 minutes 47 seconds out of 171 minutes)
Dream Mix w/ Reality Time:
23 minutes 43 seconds
Freddy Pun/Smart Ass Comment Count:
3 (6 total in first two films)
Yeah, it’s a Freddy film, but it lacks a punch of Freddy. Freddy appears very little in this film. When he does, he’s still pretty gruesome looking. The series is starting to embrace the smart ass killer comments (puns).

Horrible. No, dreadful. The main dude (Jesse) looks like a scrawny Marc Singer (the Beastmaster!), definitely without any of the muscles. I think he shares more of a “special bond” with Grady (the best friend) more than he does with his girlfriend, Lisa.
Speaking of Lisa, she’s a shy, soft-spoken popular girl (none of that really makes sense) who has balls of steel at the end of the movie. Now really, who in their right mind would actually track Freddy down to save a psychotic boyfriend? Maybe Brittany Spears. For custody of the child. Of course.
The slutty best friend of the hot chick doesn’t even do much…doesn’t get killed…doesn’t shred the top off…doesn’t die in bed having sex…nothing.
The special effects were good in the film, while the body count was lousy. Half of the deaths came at the end of the movie while the kids were in the backyard. I mean half…as in two of the four. What! Four freakin’ deaths! They call this a “slasher” horror movie. Emperor Palpatine kills just as many Jedi in 10 minutes of episode three than Freddy does all movie.
I’m starting to hate Nightmare films for this category. The film includes 2 hot chicks (Shark Factor), one up coming hot chick (Christie Clark…pictured right), a couple of swimming pool scenes, no sex acts (only a lickin’ of the belly/chest), and no boobs. There are almost as many “guy” shower scenes as there are hot chicks. WTF? More kindle to the fire of hate.
T.Gun's Take:
Freddy trying to possess a kid to do his bidding and get his powers back. Well, I can buy that. It was just done terribly. Dumb ass scenes include:
- Jesse doing a “Risky Business” deal while lip singing to a bad 80’s song.
- Jesse calling his piece of crap car, “The Deadly Dinosaur”.
- Finding Nancy’s diary sitting on the top shelf in the closet. What? No one notices that in the five years in between events? Must of had a bad real estate agent.
- Build up of suspense for a rat in a locker at the power plant.
- And pretty much the rest of the movie.
If I haven’t made my discontent for this film clear yet, then…this movie sucked! There, I said it. What a bad sequel. It could have been better if, let’s say... it had nothing to do with Freddy. Just like Halloween 3, and Friday the 13th Part 5, it
was the franchise’s “what the hell” movie.
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened November 1, 1985 and made $23 million at the box office ($2.86 million opening weekend)
-Freddy appears for only 13 minutes out of 82 minutes of the film
-Brad Pitt, John Stamos, and Christian Slater auditioned for the role of Jesse
-Marshall Bell (Coach Schneider) is considered the first ever kill in the Tales from the Crypt T.V. series
-Film does not use the traditional theme song for the Nightmare films
-JoAnn Willette (girl on bus) stars in television series “Just the 10 of Us” with Heather Langenkamp (Part 1,3,7), and Brooke Theiss (Part 4)
Jack Sholder (Director):Wishmaster 2 (1999)
Robert Englund (Freddy):
Mark Patton (Jesse): Nothing...worth wild
Kim Myers (Lisa): Hellraiser 4 (1996)
Robert Rusler (Ron Grady): Weird Science (1985)
Clu Gulager (Ken Walsh): Return of the Living Dead (1985), Feast (2005)
Christie Clark (Angela Walsh): Children of the Corn 2 (1993), Days of Our Lives T.V. series
Marshall Bell (Coach Schneider): Stand by Me (1986), Twins (1988), Dick Tracy (1990), Total Recall (1990), Air America (1990), The Puppet Masters (1994), Starship Troopers (1997), Room 6 (2006), Tales from the Crypt T.V. series
That's how they follow up the first film? Okay, usually in sequels to successful horror films there are some simple rules to go by:
1. See more of the villain
2. Higher body count (or bloodier/creative deaths)
3. More nudity, sex, hot chicks, etc.
4. Set up the next film just in case this one bombs
Let’s run these rules by what actually happened in Nightmare 2.
Rule 1 – see more of the villain…Freddy’s in 13 minutes of the film…nope.
Rule 2 – higher body count or bloodier/deaths…4 deaths, two of them were random cannon fodder of dudes I didn’t know their names…0 for 2.
Rule 3 – more nudity, sex, hot chicks…same amount of hot chicks (even if one was like 8, but she’s hot now), no sex acts and still no nudity…0 for 3.
Rule 4 – set up the next film just in case of disaster…nope…0 for 4 with four strikeouts.

Any ways back to the plot…five years after the first movie, a new family (the Walsh’s) move into Nancy Thompson’s house, 1428 Elm St. (They finally reference Elm Street in the movie...11 minutes and thirty seconds in).
The teenage boy (Jesse) is experiencing nightmares about Freddy, but this time instead of trying to kill him, Freddy is recruiting him. Yep, that’s right, Freddy is acting like a Marine recruiter hunting for seniors at a high school to join core. Hooh rah.
Freddy’s powers are weak, and he needs to use Jesse as his tool for killing. Sounds a lot like Freddy vs. Jason. Hmm. Freddy tries to possess Jesse so he can come into the real world to kill his victims. The film mixes Freddy’s “dream world” powers and brings them into the “real world” to help Jesse kill.
After watching twenty or thirty minutes of the film, the movie became repetitious. Jesse has bad dream…wakes up…next scene is family breakfast arguing with dad…followed by driving Lisa to school in his car discussing the dreams with her…being in P.E. class and pissing off P.E. teacher which leads to physical forms of punishment…and back to bad dreams again.
Repeat cycle…bad dreams…breakfast…car ride…P.E.class…bad dreams. Repeat. Rinse. Lather. I would have been happier if they threw in a death every once and while, but there was only one death in the film’s first sixty minutes.
Towards the end, Lisa decides to throw a “pool party” for kids at school. My first thought was…cool…naked chicks, boobies, and sex. And my second thought was…a lot of deaths. Man, I was wrong…in both cases.
Jesse’s hanging at the party all depressed and strung out. Lisa comes over to warm him up a little bit and the next thing you know, he starts mackin’ with Lisa in the cabana and…Quiz time!
What is a cabana?
A. A bench swing set
B. a shed
C. A room used to change clothes in before proceeding to the swimming pool
D. A little town in Havana
The answer is…C. Yeah, I had no idea what it was until they mentioned it in the film. Then again, I’m not rich enough to have a swimming pool and a small changing room to go with it. F*ckin’ rich people.
Back to the story...Jesse’s going down on Lisa’s chest with his tongue (and the film still manages to show no boobies) and his tongue turns into Freddy’s green slimy tongue. Jesse freaks out and takes off leaving Lisa frustrated and confused. I would be too if I was her.

Well Jesse doses off and the “Freddy” in him takes over and kills Grady. Jesse flees back to the party to seek the help of Lisa. In her living room Freddy completes his possession of Jesse and Freddy is unleashed into the real world. All of the doors lock around the house and backyard trapping every one in place. Slaughter time! Right? No.
Freddy chases Lisa around the house and then she stabs him and he bails into the backyard where all the kids are by the pool. Freddy kills two token kids and then bursts into flames as he walks into a wall and disappears. Huh?
Lisa decides to “save” Jesse and drives to the power plant where Freddy was burnt alive. To sum it up, Lisa kisses Freddy and the “love” between her and Jesse defeats Freddy. Jesse pops out of Freddy’s body, and Jesse and Lisa hug and kiss. End of movie. WTF? Love beats Freddy. Now what kind of shit is that?
Dream Sequence Time:
15 minutes 8 seconds (Series total: 42 minutes 47 seconds out of 171 minutes)
Dream Mix w/ Reality Time:
23 minutes 43 seconds
Freddy Pun/Smart Ass Comment Count:
3 (6 total in first two films)
Yeah, it’s a Freddy film, but it lacks a punch of Freddy. Freddy appears very little in this film. When he does, he’s still pretty gruesome looking. The series is starting to embrace the smart ass killer comments (puns).

Speaking of Lisa, she’s a shy, soft-spoken popular girl (none of that really makes sense) who has balls of steel at the end of the movie. Now really, who in their right mind would actually track Freddy down to save a psychotic boyfriend? Maybe Brittany Spears. For custody of the child. Of course.
The slutty best friend of the hot chick doesn’t even do much…doesn’t get killed…doesn’t shred the top off…doesn’t die in bed having sex…nothing.
The special effects were good in the film, while the body count was lousy. Half of the deaths came at the end of the movie while the kids were in the backyard. I mean half…as in two of the four. What! Four freakin’ deaths! They call this a “slasher” horror movie. Emperor Palpatine kills just as many Jedi in 10 minutes of episode three than Freddy does all movie.

T.Gun's Take:
Freddy trying to possess a kid to do his bidding and get his powers back. Well, I can buy that. It was just done terribly. Dumb ass scenes include:
- Jesse doing a “Risky Business” deal while lip singing to a bad 80’s song.
- Jesse calling his piece of crap car, “The Deadly Dinosaur”.
- Finding Nancy’s diary sitting on the top shelf in the closet. What? No one notices that in the five years in between events? Must of had a bad real estate agent.
- Build up of suspense for a rat in a locker at the power plant.
- And pretty much the rest of the movie.
If I haven’t made my discontent for this film clear yet, then…this movie sucked! There, I said it. What a bad sequel. It could have been better if, let’s say... it had nothing to do with Freddy. Just like Halloween 3, and Friday the 13th Part 5, it

Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened November 1, 1985 and made $23 million at the box office ($2.86 million opening weekend)
-Freddy appears for only 13 minutes out of 82 minutes of the film
-Brad Pitt, John Stamos, and Christian Slater auditioned for the role of Jesse
-Marshall Bell (Coach Schneider) is considered the first ever kill in the Tales from the Crypt T.V. series
-Film does not use the traditional theme song for the Nightmare films
-JoAnn Willette (girl on bus) stars in television series “Just the 10 of Us” with Heather Langenkamp (Part 1,3,7), and Brooke Theiss (Part 4)

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