Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Review #26: Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000)

Cast & Notable Credits:
Michael Cooney (Director): Jack Frost

Jennifer Lyons (Rose):
Devil’s Prey


Oh my God! How’d they know what I was asking for? A sequel to a mutant killer snowman movie taking place on a tropical island with mutant killer snowball babies…and more hot chicks! Every one’s prayers are answered!

The bars were raised higher for this sequel. Years after the first movie, a genetics company found the jugs of anti-freeze that contained the remains of everyone’s favorite mutant killer snowman, Jack. After experimental tests on the liquid substance, scientists could not solve the mystery of the liquid ooze. Sounds like a title to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie.

At least until a late night janitor knocks over a cup of coffee into the jar of Jack Frost’s liquid remains. Then poof! A chemical reaction between the coffee and ooze brings Jack back to life. And he’s pissed.

Meanwhile Sheriff Sam is troubled with past visions of his encounter with Jack, and decides to spend the holidays on a warm tropical island with his wife and friends. Amazingly, Jack tracks them down to the tropical island and then causes havoc on Sam and other island inhabitants (including Granger Green pictured right). Jack turns the tropical island into a winter wonderland.

The troubled Sam encounters the killer snowman that has plagued his dreams, but that's no problem, he knows how to kill Jack. The anti-freeze solution. Right? Nope. Sam tries to kill Jack with the anti-freeze solution, but his plan is foiled when he discovers that Jack has now mutated with the anti-freeze making him immune to the anti-freeze. Instead of dying, Jack starts coughing up little mutant killer snowballs. Oh no! What will our heroes do now? Not gonna blow it, but I’ll give you a hint…bananas. Yep…bananas. A monkey’s best friend.


Return of the every ones favorite mutant killer snowman, Jack. An added bonus, he has killer mutant snowball babies. Double the pleasure! Double the fun!


I only gave this more points than the original because the movie featured a lot more hot chicks, other than that, there still was bad acting. Unfortunately, no Shannon Elizabeth this time...but we do get Captain Fun. Whoopee! We also get a little bit more female "eye candy". (Stephanie Chao pictured right)


As I mentioned before, the stakes were raised higher. Which was double the deaths compared to the first one (twenty…at least what I could keep track of). But the special effects didn’t get any better. What do you expect from a budget of four bucks?


Well...we lose a shower snowman rape scene, but we gain more hot chicks and gain a set of boobies. Yes! Jennifer Lyons(pictured right and...santa on right) makes another "eye candy" bad movie appearance. Other hot women pictured through out the blog helps make this movie a little bit more bare able.


They read my mind! A killer mutant snowman with killer mutant snowball babies attack people on a tropical island. Dish out them Grammy's!

T.Gun Factor:

How can I bash a movie like this? I can't. It's pure entertainment. Really. Another good thing that came out of this movie is showing off Shonda Farr (pictured right). If the first movie was a Top 5 Christmas movie, then this movie has to be number 2 or 3 (behind Badder Santa). Period.

Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on November 22, 2000 and went straight to DVD

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