Cast/Notable Credits:
James Wong (Director): The One (2001), Final Destination 3 (2006)
Devon Sawa (Alex): Idle Hands (1999), Extreme Ops (2002), Devil’s Den (2006)
Ali Larter (Clear): Varsity Blues (1999), Drive Me Crazy (1999), House on Haunted Hill (1999), Legally Blonde (2001), Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back (2001), Final Destination 2 (2003), Resident Evil: Extinction, Heroes T.V. series (Pictured below)

Kerr Smith (Carter): Cruel Intentions 3 (2004), Dawson’s Creek & Charmed T.V. series
Tony Todd (William Bludworth): The Candyman
Kristen Cloke (Ms. Valerie Lewton): Black Christmas (2006), Space: Above and Beyond T.V. series
Seann William Scott (Billy): American Pie 1-3, Road Trip (2000), Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000), Evolution (2001), Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back, Bulletproof Monk (2003), The Rundown (2003), Dukes of Hazzard (2005), Ice Age 2 (2006), Mr. Woodcock (2007)
Daniel Roebuck (Agent Weine): The Fugitive (1993), U.S. Marshalls (1998), Agent Cody Banks 1 & 2 (2003, 2004), Devil’s Rejects (2005), Halloween, Lost & Matlock T.V. series
Amanda Detmer (Terry): Saving Silverman (2001), The Majestic (2001), You, Me & Dupree (2006)
Brendan Fehr (George): Disturbing Behavior (1998), Roswell & CSI: Miami T.V. series
Chad Donella (Tod): Disturbing Behavior
Technically released in 2000, but it was made in the late 90's...So number 2 of the "Fab 4".

As he pleads for others to believe him, a fight breaks out between him and angry classmate passengers. Hence, security arrives and escorts the brawling passengers, and two teachers off the plane. A total of eight passengers are taken off the plane (but the airline accommodates one teacher to get back on ~ for adult supervision purposes), and denies the remaining passengers travel on this particular flight. As Alex and others (mainly C

In the aftermath of the explosion that killed 287 passengers, the seven survivors all ponder their explanations and beliefs for what happened that night. The remainder of the school year becomes awkward for the surviving kids. Alex is believed to be the cause of the crash and resented and feared. A few are thankful and embrace him and believe that he can see the future. While the federal government is suspicious of the boy, but one thing is certain…they cheated death. Or did they?
As we learn from mortician extraordinaire Tony Todd (a.k.a. the Candyman) DEATH has a designed plan for everyone. In the mean time, the survivors are temporarily saved from the inevitable. But DEATH catches up to them. Alex sees what is happening as the survivors are picked off one by one and believes that he can cheat the “pattern or design” that DEATH has come up with.


Insert the same ole’ disposable teen filled cast in to film. It seems like the only difference is that none of them were really part of popular WB shows at the time (outside of Kerr Smith).
And why the hell isn't Claire spelled right in the cast!!? It's written as "Clear", but I think of it as clear, as in see through. Damn yuppie parents and their "unique" spelling of their child's name!
For some odd reason Devon Sawa reminds me of Elijah Wood. As long as he doesn't start a homosexual relationship with another hobbit, I'm fine.
Well 287 people did die in the initial plane crash. Does that really count? Probably not, but if it did, then zombie movies would kick *ss. Oh wait...they do! The actual body count is five deaths. 292 would have been a good number too.
There were some descent explosions in the film and the DEATH special effects were pretty good and intriguing. Outside of the initial plane explosion we get: hanging/strangulation, being hit by a bus, glass to the throat, knife to the chest, beheading by metal debris, and smacking by a huge neon sign.

There were five hot chicks and…nothing else. These 90's flicks suck when it comes to the "forbidden" side of human nature. We do get Amanda Detmer though. Amanda Detmer is hot! (Pictured right) Book me in for her final destination!
T.Gun's Take:
The overall storyline is a nice idea about DEATH coming back around for the second time against cheaters. I think it's a good solid foundation for a plot. It even sets up endless amounts of sequels. FD is also a breath of fresh air from the "who dunnit" genre that was being milked to the bone during the late 90's. Simple, yet elegant. We know who the killer is...Death. And Death's coming for you. Should Death be capitalized? Is it a proper name? It's kind of like the opposite of God, and that's capitalized. So shouldn't Death be capitalized? Random thought.
Final Destination isn’t my favorite of the “90's Fab 4”, but I gotta say, it’s the most successful franchise out of them. It continues to spit out sequels to this day even. The fourth installment is set for 2009.
It probably ranks number 4 out of the 90's Fab 4 on the initial release. But as for the franchise, it's number one out of them. The other three has a huge drop off quality as each sequel is made. (Urban Legends has the most extreme drop off)
Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Opened March 19, 2000 and made $53.2 million at the box office ($10 million opening weekend)
-Footage of plane wreck was actual footage from TWA Flight 800 that crashed in July of 1996
-John Denver songs are played numerous times before death scenes, Denver died in a plane

-Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst both auditioned for roles of Alex and Clear (probably wouldn’t have made a good couple on screen…no chemistry)

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