Saturday, October 25, 2008

Review #101: The Evil Dead (1981)

Cast/Notable Credits:
Sam Raimi (Director): Spiderman Trilogy

Bruce Campbell (Ash): Darkman (1990)

Ellen Sandweiss (Cheryl): Satan's Playground (2005) (Pictured right)



A group of five Michigan State University students (Ash, Linda, Scott, Shelly, and Cheryl)take a weekend vacation in a secluded cabin in the hills and mountains of Tennessee. While having dinner, a cellar floor door mysteriously blows open. Scott decides to go down into the cellar and investigate. He does not return for some time and Ash goes down after him. Once in the cellar Ash finds Scott hiding in the dark playing a prank on him.

The two find an old tape recording machine with a tape still in it and a weird looking book. They bring both upstairs and decide to listen to the tape. The man on the tape explains how he found the book on an archaeological dig. The books text dates back to the Babylonian and Sumarian days and is named Naturon Demonto which translates into the "Book of the Dead". In the sequels it eventually becomes known as Necronomicon Ex-Mortis...aka...the Necronomicon. Scott fast forwards the tape only to stumble across some demonic incantations that unleashes the "Evil Force" in the basement.

Later that night while every one's turning in for the night, Cheryl is drawn outside and into the woods by the Evil Force. She becomes isolated and then brutally raped by the woods. Vine-tree like snakes attack her and place a demonic spirit inside her. Cheryl returns to the cabin all bruised up and wanting to leave. No one else believes her story, but Ash decides to take her to town. Only after driving a little while, they find the old wooden bridge they crossed all destroyed, and they are unable to leave.

Ash and Cheryl return to the cabin and they decide to wait until morning to leave. The five discuss their options as Cheryl becomes possessed by the Evil Force and attacks the group. Scott eventually pushes her down in the cellar and locks the door. For the rest of the night, the Evil Force attempts to possess the remaining students. One by one they fall to the Evil Force, leaving Ash alone at the end to battle it.

The Evil Dead is truly a classic film. Maybe not from a plot perspective, but pretty much on a production level. The Evil Dead (T.E.D.)...that's funny, the director's brother name is Ted, who also makes a the benchmark for independent film makers. Director Sam Raimi made a name for himself off this film and eventually franchise.

T.E.D. shows the true spirit of what a couple of friends and a camera can do in the film industry. Where's the a will; there's a way! Most of the cast left the film (took to long to film) and was replaced by crew members, family, and friends filling in for body doubles. Now that's dedication. After reading and researching all the things that went wrong with the production, I have to admit that it's amazing it got off the ground and onto the big screen.

The uniqueness of the film has to be with the use of camera angles and trick photography. Raimi and staff show the world a creative way of filming through out this movie. For example, most of the demon POV shots were done with the camera attached to a 2x4 with members holding each end and running around.

The special effects may have been a little bit too "over the top", which may have led to it's banning in many countries at the time. Huge amounts of fake blood and guts were overly used causing the film's MPAA ratings to go off the charts. In other words, it truly is a "splatter film". But hey, most low budget films thrive in those methods. Probably the "tree rape" scene might be considered...bad taste for some. But I loved it! T.E.D. pushes the boundaries.

The Evil Dead is a cult classic. Any one who is a horror fan must check out this flick. There are aspects of the film that aren't done entirely great, but given the budget and circumstances it has to be labeled as "one of the greats". Also doesn't hurt that "The Chin" is the star of the franchise. Bring on Evil Dead 4! Or the remake. Whatever one is coming out in 09'.

Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on October 15, 1981 and made $2.4 million at the Box Office
-Budget: $375K
-Filmed in over 1 1/2 years
-Film had distributing problems delaying it's release
-Filmed in a real life abandoned cabin in Morristown, TN; which was later burned down (rumor)
-Movie has been banned numerous times by numerous countries; heavy edits have reduced the countries over the years
-Is still banned from theatres in Germany
-Cheryl "tree rape" scene banned in many countries

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