Cast/Notable Credits:
M. Night Shyamalan (Director): The Sixth Sense (1999), Signs (2002), The Village (2004)
Mark Wahlberg (Elliot): Fear (1996), Boogie Nights (1997), The Perfect Storm (2000), Planet of the Apes (2001), The Big Hit (1998)
Zooey Deschanel (Alma): Elf (2003), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), Bridge to Terabithia (2007), Yes Man (2008)
John Leguizamo (Julian): Die Hard 2 (1990), Super Mario Brothers (1993), Spawn (1997), Ice Age Trilogy, Land of the Dead
Betty Buckley (Miss Jones): Carrie (1976)
Spencer Breslin (Josh): The Kid (2000), The Cat in the Hat (2003), The Shaggy Dog (2006)

Moving forward...in Philadelphia, school teacher Elliot Moore returns home to his "on the fringe marriage" with his wife Alma. They pack their bags and decide to take the train out of

The train abruptly stops after losing contact with the operators and all passengers are left on their own. Elliot's pack travel to a local diner to learn that the upper eastern seaboard has been effective by this epidemic and they are stuck 90 miles from the edge of the hot zone. Julian leaves Jess under the care of Elliot as he ventures back to Princeton to find his wife. A dumb move on his part because it's becoming clear that anyone in the areas are dead by now. What a father he turned out to be, instead of protecting his child, he pawns her off and runs off to find his statistically proven already dead wife in an affected epidemic zone.
Elliot, Alma and Jess hitch a ride with a hippie couple through the country back roads of Pennsylvania. The hippie couple believes that the attack is brought on by...are you ready for this?...plants and not terrorists. Yes. Plants. The theory is that plants have become threatened by the human race and has released deadly toxins into the air to neutralize the threat. The killer plants release their toxins in heavily populated sections and the wind blows it through the air. Guess what? It Happens that the hippies are right. Killer pissed off plants.

They hook up at an old lady's farm in the boonies. She is completely out of touch with the world, no radio or technology. She's a crazy old hag that lives by herself in the country lands growing her own food on the farm. Apparently the government has no interest on taxing her for her lands. The next morning the old lady falls prey to the killer plant toxin and Elliot becomes separated from Alma and Jess as they are trapped in the barn across the farm as he lays low in the house.
Threatened by dying lonely, they all decide to tempt fate and let love guide them to each other as they venture outside into the wind. They slowly walk across the yard that separated them

Wait a second...did the epidemic stop because of the Power of Love, or did that just happen to be a coincidence at the same time it stopped? If it's because of the Power of Love, then I'm pissed. That's complete bull crap. The Power of Love saves the day in a horror movie? It Happens that I want to commit suicide now.
The experts and media theorize that it was a warning from nature to us, "that we are killing the planet". Others think it was the government since only the upper eastern seaboard was effected. The movie ends three months later in a park in France where "The Happening" starts over again. Sequel? I hope not.
M.Night Suck-a-lon sucks us into another one of his over hyped weird*ss thriller...or thrill-less...movies. The Happening is not like "happening cool". Its quite the opposite, it's not Happening. Something Happened and left a fowl stench behind. I Happened to almost fall asleep because I was so bored.
It Happened to be that all the acting was poor in this movie. They were horrible paper thin, cardboard cut out characters that displayed little emotion or acting abilities. Usually that's alright with me in horror movies, but when a movie is supposed to be "suspenseful" and the story is built around the characters and they end up being done poor, it just makes for a bad movie.

I Happened to continue hating the pieces of crap this director puts out. The Sixth Sense was alright. I guessed the "twist" out when it originally Happened. So the rest of the movie was slow and boring for me. I didn't have the, "OMG I didn't see that coming!" moment.
Unbreakable was a unique idea with a sub par follow through. Samuel L.'s hair and outfit Happened to be just too over the top 70's style for me.

The Village...yeah...I don't know where to start. I'll just leave it as bad. Really Bad. After that movie, I put my foot down and said, "No more M. Night Suck-a-lon movies." I guess I Happened to be wrong. I saw this one.
I was able to skip the Lady in the Water movie, and intended to miss this one, but all the negative things I had heard about this film intrigued me to watch it. Kind of like the Deer in headlights affect. I know something bad is coming, but I just can't move. I'm glued to the film. I get that way a lot with bad movies. Mainly because the remote falls a foot or two from my reach and I'm too lazy to get up and get it. Therefore, I end up suffering through a lot of horrible movies.

Misc. Movie Trivia:
-Film opened on June 13, 2008 and made $64.5 million at the Box Office ($30.5 million opening weekend)
-Zooey Deschanel went to high school with Kate Hudson; sister is Emily Deschanel (Bones T.V. series)
-85% of the movie takes place outside
-Answer to Julian's math riddle: $10,737,418.23

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